In many neighborhoods, houses are sited on large lots. What these lots have in grandness and scale, they can lack in intimacy and limited usefulness. Such is the case of this property in Cincinnati, OH. William Ripley of Architectural Landscape Design, Inc. (ALD) broke up long bowling alley of a lot. This was done by adding lattice fencing with an arch to break the space into two distinct rooms. The front section is a stretch of lawn, but behind that fencing is a small formal garden. It's filled with seductive shapes and colors of plants around a formal urn. Whether stock or custom, fencing can be one of the easiest ways to define a space. See the whole story here.
The Details
Get the Look: One Lot, Two Rooms
- When you have a long, bowling alley of a lot, dividing into two "rooms" helps the space feel more intimate. It also gives each a purpose
- Coating lattice in a statement-making glossy paint transforms it into a feature. (We love black, but for something less intense try Benjamin Moore’s Black Forest Green)
- Color in shade is tricky; you want it to look as natural as possible. Nature tends to landscape herself in wide swathes of one plant. Mirror with clumps of no less than three of each variety.
- Get more impact by limiting varieties of plants in a garden room; here the designer used just seven!